Funding Cycle
The trustees review grant applications and make awards once a year in the late fall. Applications must be submitted to the Foundation by October 1. Organizations submitting grants are notified of the trustees’ decision by the end of the year. The Foundation usually distributes grants in January.
Applicant Eligibility
The Foundation awards charitable grants only to organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It does not award grants to private foundations under Section 509 of the Code.
Grant Application and Certification
To apply for a grant, please send a brief cover letter (not to exceed three pages) together with a completed application form.
Download Application Form HereEither email a completed form to or send by mail to this address:
Rosamond Thaxter Foundation
Letters and completed grant application requests may either be emailed (in a single PDF document) to or can be addressed to:
Rosamond Thaxter Foundation
Attn: Elizabeth Small, Trust Associate
c/o HM Payson & Co.
P.O. Box 31
Portland, ME 04112-0031
(207) 772-3761